A Complete Study Guide for DP-203: Microsoft Azure Data Engineer Associate Exam

The Azure DP-203 exam is a Microsoft certification that proves your proficiency with Azure Data Engineering. It is also one of the most sought-after certifications in the industry right now. This guide will help you prepare for this exam with ease by providing a breakdown of what is on the test, what resources will help you study for it, and how to take advantage of these resources.


In this section, we’ll cover the basics about DP-203. This exam tests your ability to implement data solutions on the Microsoft Azure platform. The exam is designed for individuals with a minimum of six months of experience designing and implementing data solutions on the Microsoft Azure platform. There are no prerequisites for taking this exam, but you should be familiar with basic knowledge around storage and compute services on Azure, as well as experience using SQL Server or SQL Database as a database in your solutions.

The duration of this exam is two hours; you will have 90 minutes to complete 60 questions.

Exam Format

The exam is a 90-minute, multiple-choice exam that consists of 50 questions. You are allotted a maximum of 90 minutes to complete the exam; however, you can take as long as you need to answer each question. Once you begin the exam, your time begins counting down from 80 minutes. Your clock will not stop when it reaches 0 and will continue counting down until all questions have been answered. If you have any unanswered problems when time runs out and there are no more problems in the pool for you to select from, your last selection will be marked incorrect automatically.

The Microsoft Azure Data Engineer Associate certification test is administered in a secure testing environment without access to outside devices such as laptops or mobile phones during testing so that only those materials provided by Pearson VUE at the test center may be used during administration of this examination, including these instructions and any additional instructions at an individual test center location prior to commencement of actual seat time for this examination; see Test Center Rules for details about prohibited uses of electronic devices during testing hours at each specific test center location).

Note: In addition to English versions (US/UK), Japanese versions (Japanese) also exist with Japanese text on screens displayed in both locales where available throughout much if not all content including but not limited exclusively informational messages related specifically towards taking this particular assessment itself (i

Exam Guidelines

The Microsoft Azure Data Engineer Associate Exam is a 60-minute, multiple-choice exam. You will be provided with a calculator and reference materials that you can use during the exam.

You will not be allowed to share information with other candidates during the exam.

Exam sections and topics

Keep in mind that the following list is an outline and is not a comprehensive list of all of the exam topics.

The sections and topics covered by the exam are:

  • Section 1: Designing and Implementing Azure Data Platform Solutions

  1. Topic 1 – Design an end-to-end data solution. Learn how to design, develop, deploy, and manage an end-to-end data solution on HDInsight.
  2. Topic 2 – Design a secure data solution that integrates with other services such as Azure SQL Database, DocumentDB etc.. Learn how to design secure solutions for storing, managing access control for resources hosted in Azure. This section also covers deployment options for your datasets including blob storage accounts and SQL databases (Azure SQL Database).

  • Section 2: Designing and Implementing Azure Data Analytics Solutions. This section covers designing analytic solutions using Hadoop technologies like Hive & Spark on HDInsight clusters running on Windows Server 2016 Datacenter edition virtual machines (VMs) or Linux VMs with Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Edition Server Core as operating system (OS). It also includes basic concepts related to NoSQL databases such as MongoDB & JSON storage capabilities offered by CosmosDB service on top of IaaS VMs; this includes querying documents stored inside containers using LINQ expressions without having any prior knowledge about JSON structures or BSON serialization format used by MongoDB.* Section 3: Designing and Implementing Azure Data Integration Solutions - This section provides a high level overview about integration patterns such as extract transform load(ETL), synchronous/asynchronous transformations

What to study for the DP-203 exam?

  1. Learn the exam objectives.
  2. Study the exam syllabus.
  3. Study the DP-203 Exam Blueprint.
  4. Look at samples, practice, and other test questions available online.

Microsoft DP-203 Study Resources: How to prepare for the exam?

Microsoft DP-203 is an exam that tests your knowledge of the fundamentals of Azure data engineering. The exam is divided into two sections: Design (25 percent) and Development (75 percent). This guide covers topics for both sections, as well as some additional recommended resources you can use to study for this exam.

The first thing you should do with any new certification or certification track is create a study plan to help guide where and how you will spend your time studying. You can use our free practice test software below, which will give you an idea of what types of questions might be on the actual exam so that you can create a more personalized study plan based on what areas are weakest for you personally:

DP-203: Data Engineering on Microsoft Azure Course at SkillUp Online

Learn how Azure services work together to enable you to design, implement, operationalize, monitor, optimize, and secure data solutions on Microsoft Azure with Azure DP-203 Data Engineering on Microsoft Azure Course at SkillUp Online.

Benefit from instructor-led preparation for the DP-203 certification exam with tips, tricks, guidance, and mentoring support.

Online Professional Courses

Skillup Online is a 'Smart' learning platform that helps users acquire the most in-demand skills for the technology field. We go "beyond certifications", using a human-centered approach to learning that drives the deep subject matter expertise, soft skills, and practical experience today's employers are looking for.

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